Power plays report: Energy’s growing digital resolve

Some of the findings in the report:

US oil and gas are choking – demand for new energy infrastructure will attract investors and dealmakers in 2019: the hurdle to US oil and gas growth is insufficient energy infrastructure. In 2018, Permian gas pipelines were at 98% capacity. By late 2019 crude oil in the southern U.S. shale belt will exceed takeaway capacity by 290,000 barrels per day. Result: drilled but uncompleted wells are rising + an M&A uptick kicked off by the $23.3 Bn Marathon-Andeavor merger.

“Live within your means” say investors: energy resolved to cut costs through digital technology. 52% of executives plan to finance their digital transformation through a sale or divestiture. Nevertheless our survey reveals skepticism towards profitability: 20% of energy execs believed innovation won’t impact profitability.

The Permian awakens – the Permian oil break-even went as low as $21/barrel. This sparked Megadeal M&As, to accelerate in 2019. BDO expect the value of deals to rise substantially as companies look to increase their presence in the basin and remain competitive with the new Permian behemoths.

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